As a Christian fellowship, we seek to fulfill the biblical mandate to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the world. It is our sincere intent to participate with the Lord in the salvation of the lost, the reclaiming of backsliders, the maturing of our fellowship, and serving as “salt and light” in our community and the world.
As agents for God in His reconciling purpose for the world, we are committed to exploring in depth the theological bases the Holy Bible offers for Christian World Mission. In pursuing this, we affirm the relatedness of the church’s Mission to every phase of life and work of the church.
Our mission is to reach the lost for Jesus Christ. To bring hope and healing to those in need. We are all on a journey, a mission, and God has a plan for those who believe. We are here to run the race, to win the prize as in I corinthians 9:14.
"Without a Vision, the People Perish" (Proverbs 29:18)
With a view toward understanding the VISION proper it seems wise and necessary to express the connection between our church’s mission statement and “God’s Vision” for this house. The mission statement is the over-arching, general expression of God’s will for this church Evangelism — the making of disciples. Christian Education — providing sound biblical teaching for sustaining and maturing in the Lord, and an on-going openness to the continual move of the Spirit of God as revealed in His Word, provide the understanding, the umbrella under which the Lord orchestrates specific directives to individual churches and ministries.
So, in the local church, the instructions/directives given by the Lord through the Pastor constitute God’s VISION for that local assembly. The VISION, while specific, does not necessarily include every step in bringing forth each aspect of the VISION. Many things are worked out among church leadership and the congregation.
In the VISION, the Lord gives the rallying point(s) around which all believers in that church are to convene. So, through God’s sovereign will, He orders the steps of each believer (Psalm 37:23) to participate in His plan (VISION) for that place. Here is an illustration that may better express or clarify the source and function of the VISION.
It is the Lord who takes His leader for that fellowship to that certain place. Here, that leader is shown “the way” to heaven, our destination. Between where that fellowship stands and its destination, the Lord reveals His will for those certain ministries that this church must implement, support, and/or work out. This revelation of specifics (the VISION) is a direct fleshing out of those general affirmations of the church’s Mission Statement.
Also, the Lord’s revelation of His VISION for that house need not include every matter between the present and destiny. After all, seasons of ministry change. The work of one season should set the framework for the VISION for the next.
So, accurate assessment of the VISION for the present age bridges from those ministries already functioning through those being called forth into existence. The next article in this series will give an overview of existing ministries as well as those being called into existence by our Lord This article and the next share a comprehensive understanding of where we have been brought and where the Lord is taking us (the VISION).
We are careful to remember that all Glory, Honor, and Praise belong to our Lord alone. While encouraged and humbled by His Grace and Mercy, we are “Walking in Excellence, Participating in God’s Plan”.
Our Vision is, thy Kingdom Come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven. We are praying for and envisioning the Kingdom of God here on earth! When we pray, “Your Kingdom Come,” we are inviting Jesus into our lives to move in your life and the lives of others. This is how Prayer changes the World!
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