Pastor’s Desk

Then It Came To Me…

How much is enough?” A challenge being faced by Christianity everywhere is the church’s relationship with the world. How should we relate to the world? Do we have any responsibility to the world? If so, how is that carried out? Then, what should be the world’s influence on the church? Without a doubt, the church is directed and expected to influence the world. The Word of God teaches us that there is a strict line of separation between the church and the world. Those who are not God’s belong to their father, the devil. The church is obliged to be “salt and light.” These substances do influence their surroundings. Salt and light bring change to any situation.  Besides this, the church is commissioned to take to the world the good news of the liberating work of Jesus Christ. Christians must reflect on our effectiveness in influencing the world. We must also, with equal vigilance, assess the influence of the world on the church. Let us be clear on this matter: there are technologies, money matters and other concerns in the world which are available to the church and the world. While the world will use these concerns to glorify its father – the devil, the church must capitalize on the possibilities these concerns give for bringing glory to our father – Jehovah. With that understood, we must still answer this matter: How much influence should the world have on the church? The answer is simple ~ None!!! That answer probably brings some resistance and scorn from some saints. However, the truth remains. Consider these truths:  II Corinthians 6:14~”Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?   And what communion hath light and darkness?  I Corinthians 5:6 -“Know ye not that a little leaven leaventh the whole lump?”  So, “How much is enough?” None, simply none. We must be guarded against the influences of language, dress, standards of conduct or any matters that the world embraces. If it pleases the devil, it cannot glorify God, our Father. Let our minds be settled. Let us not continue to go back and forth over what is already settled in heaven. Any defilement by the world hinders our walk with God and fellowship among believers. Expect the Holy Spirit to empower us as we seek to please our Lord.

                                         Shalom, my friends,

                                         Bishop Kenneth C. Doe

Bethesda Christian Fellowship